Berikut kami informasikan 4 topik Training dari (PTAsprinet Indonesia) :
Practising IT Project Management with Open Workbench
Wednesday, 21-10-2009 - Friday, 23-10-2009 (3 Days)
Business Continuity Management (BCM) Awareness Workshop
Friday, 23-10-2009 - Sunday, 25-10-2009 (3 Days)
IT-IL : IT Service Management Essentials
Monday, 26-10-2009 - Wednesday, 28-10-2009 (3 Days)
Web Application Hacking & Countermeasures
Monday, 26-10-2009 - Wednesday, 28-10-2009 (3 Days)
Seminar Description:
Practising IT Project Management with Open Workbench
Date :
Wednesday, 21-10-2009 - Friday, 23-10-2009
08:30 AM - 05:00 PM
Venue :
Gedung Bank Mandiri
Jl. Tanjung Karang 3-4 A
Jakarta 10230
Fee :
Rp. 4.000.000
Seminar/Conference Description :
Proyek merupakan suatu upaya untuk mencapai suatu tujuan tertentu. Umumnya proyek melibatkan interaksi antara sumber daya manusia, peralatan, material, durasi waktu, keuangan, metode dan aktivitas-aktivitas yang kompleks. Oleh karenanya agar tujuan proyek tercapai secara optimal maka diperlukan adanya manajemen proyek. Manajemen proyek dapat didefinisikan sebagai penerapan fungsi-fungsi manajemen secara sistematis pada suatu proyek dengan menggunakan sumber daya secara efektif dan efisien.
Saat ini penggunaan software sebagai alat bantu dalam memudahkan manajemen proyek telah banyak diterapkan. Salah satunya adalah aplikasi Open Workbench yang dikeluarkan oleh CA Clarity Division. Open Workbench merupakan alternatif dari aplikasi Microsoft Project dari Microsoft Corp. Kelebihan Open Workbench dibandingkan dengan Microsoft Project adalah sifatnya yang merupakan open source, sehingga tidak membutuhkan biaya serta dapat didistribusikan secara luas tanpa harus membayar biaya lisensi.
Penggunaan Open Workbench dalam manajemen proyek sangat berguna bagi Project Manager. Hal tersebut dikarenakan pada Open Workbench terdapat fitur-fitur untuk Project Planning dan Project Tracking. Fitur-fitur tersebut membantu Project Manager dalam proses perencanaan dan monitoring proyek, termasuk diantaranya perencanaan dan monitoring durasi, kegiatan, biaya serta sumber daya, dalam hal ini mencakup tenaga kerja, material dan peralatan.
Dalam pelatihan ini akan dibahas konsep manajemen proyek dasar serta penggunaan aplikasi Open Workbench sebagai salah satu tools manajemen proyek IT. Pada pelatihan ini juga akan diberikan materi dengan menggunakan studi kasus, untuk lebih memperjelas penerapan aplikasi Open Workbench dalam manajemen proyek, khususnya proyek IT.
Setelah training ini peserta diharapkan mampu untuk:
- Menggunakan perangkat lunak Open Workbench
- Menyusun jadwal kegiatan proyek (WBS)
- Mengalokasikan waktu dan sumber-sumber daya dalam proyek
- Membuat project schedule lengkap untuk manajemen proyek
- Mengoptimalkan penggunaan komputer sebagai alat bantu monitoring proyek dalam manajemen proyek.
Speaker :
Arief A. Gaffar, CISA, CISM, MCSE.
-Holder of CISA (Certification Information Systems Auditor) since 1996 and CISM (CertifiedInformation Security Manager) in 2006-Experience in conducting review/audit/assessment of IT management, IT performance, IT riskmanagement, IT application software especially in banking industries based on BI regulations, CobiT,ISO 27000, ISO15000-Experience in software development, computer networking and IT project management;-Experience in facilitating and training in various subject such as information security management, ITservice delivery and support management, IT Risk management, IT Audit.-Graduate in Accounting and Management.
Outline :
- Day 01
- Project Management Overview
- Pengenalan Open Workbench
- Perencanaan Proyek
- Day 02
- Pengelolaan Proyek
- Project Tracking
- Tampilan Schedule Proyek
- Day 03
- Pelaporan
- Penggunaan Pivot Table MS Excel untuk Pengaturan Jenis Laporan
- Contoh Kasus
Business Continuity Management (BCM) Awareness Workshop
Date :
Friday, 23-10-2009 - Sunday, 25-10-2009
09:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Venue :
Atlet Century Park Hotel
Jl. Pintu Satu Senayan
Jakarta, INA
Fee :
Rp. 6.000.000
Seminar/Conference Description :
BCM Overview
What Is
Business continuity has been defined as the uninterrupted availability of all key resources supporting essential business functions.Within that context then BCM provides for the availability of processes and resources in order to ensure the continued achievement of critical objectives. A Business Continuity Plan therefore defines the who, what, where, when, and how in response to a potential threat.
The Benefit
Some of the major benefits for the implementation of BCM include:
- Reduced losses as a result of a disruption
- More cost effective recovery
- Preservation of reputation through ensuring continuity of supply
- Improved resilience to unforeseen events
At the end of this one day workshop participants will be able to:
- Define the principles and concepts of BCM
- Apply the BCM language and terms consistently
- State the relationship between risk, continuity and governance
- Define the elements of a BCM process and in particular the Business Continuity Policy & Strategy
Threat Assessment
What Is
Within the BCM context, it is imperative that all threats to those business functions are idenfied, analyzed and approriate strategies developed
The Benefit
Some of the major benefits for the implementation of BCM include:
- Identifying specific threats to Business Continuity
- Assessing the threat in terms of likelihood and impact
- Assisting in priotization of those threats
- Providing guidance for the development of appropriate response strategies
At the end of this one day workshop participants will be able to:
- Identify and assess threat
- Conduct a Business Impact Analysis
- Define response Strategies
Crisis Management
What Is
Within the BCM context, smaller distruptions and threats can take place that are within capabilities and resources of the organization. Crisis management is the mecanism used to deal with theses threats. A crisis management plan is sometomes referred to as contigency plan.
The Benefit
Some of the major benefits for the implementation of BCM include:
- Reduced losses as a result of a minor distruption
- More cost effective recovery
- Improved resillience to unforseen event
At the end of this one day workshop participants will be able to:
- Define the principles and concept of crisis planning
- Develop in broad outline a crisis management plan
Speaker :
Tony Simmonds, MBA, CMPD, CMC, CPRM
Beliau memiliki banyak pengalaman sebagai konsultan dengan spesialisasi di bidang Enterprise Risk Management termasuk Business Continuity Management. Beliau juga memiliki banyak pengalaman dalam banyak area seperti Strategic, Risiko, Manajemen Proyek, Program dan Portfolio. Beliau juga tersertifikasi dari Certified Practicing Project Director (CPPD) dari Australian Institute of Project Management, Certified Management Consultant (CMC) dari Institute of Management Consultant dan Certified Practicing Risk Manager (CPRM) dari Institute of Australasia
Outline :
Disaster Management
What Is
Crises result from minor interuption to ongoing operations. Within the BCM context a crisis could quickly escalate to a disaster if the plans to manage the crisis were insufficient. Alternatively, disaster could occur without wearning and with devastating impact. Failure to plan for these events means that you are planning to fail when the event occurs.
The Benefit
Some of the major benefits for the implementation of BCM include:
- More cost effective recovery
- Preservation of reputation through ensuring continuity of supply
At the end of this one day workshop participants will be able to:
- Define the principles and concept of disaster planning
- Prepare the broad outline of a disaster management plan
Recovery Management
What Is
Within the BCM context, it is assumed that either a crisis or a disaster has occurred and it has been contained. The next step in the business continuity process ir to ensure the business or those parts of the business affected return to at least precrisis/disaster operating conditions.
The Benefit
Some of the major benefits for the implementation of BCM include:
- More cost effective recovery
- Preservation of reputation through ensuring continuity of supply
At the end of this one day workshop participants will be able to:
- Understand post activation activities
- Define the elements of a recovery plan
- Define the elements of a requirements
IT-IL : IT Service Management Essentials
Date :
Monday, 26-10-2009 - Wednesday, 28-10-2009
08:30 AM - 04:00 PM
Venue :
Gedung Bank Mandiri
Jl. Tanjung Karang 3-4 A
Jakarta 10230
Fee :
Rp. 5.000.000
Seminar/Conference Description :
Isu utama yang harus dihadapi senior manajemen maupun manager TI diantaranya adalah bagaimana melakukan:
- Penyelarasan (alignment) antara IT Goal dan Business Goal
- Penyelarasan antara IT Strategic Planning dengan Business Planning.
- Continuous Improvement terhadap IT Process
- Penurunan cost dan total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
- Pengukuran efisiensi dan efektivitas unit TI.
Solusi semua isu tersebut dapat dijabarkan mulai dari level taktis operasional sampai dengan level strategis. ITIL atau Information Technology Infrastructure Library adalah suatu guidelines bagi unit TI untuk menjalankan fungsi IT Service Management sehingga dapat dicapai layanan TI berkualitas tinggi yang pada gilirannya akan memudahkan unit organisasi mencapai objective yang telah ditentukan sebelumnya.
ITIL cocok bagi semua jenis organisasi baik pemerintah, swasta dan lembaga swadaya masyarakat. Saat ini ITIL telah diadopsi oleh ISO (International Standard Organization) menjadi standar internasional dengan kode ISO 20000 IT Service Management System.
Jika Anda berkepentingan dengan keberadaan layanan TI berkualitas tinggal, maka training ini akan mengantarkan pemahaman yang tepat tentang IT Service Management berdasarkan ITIL.
Training ini akan memberikan gambaran proses utama dari IT Service Management sehingga setelah training ini peserta diharapkan mampu untuk:
- Memahami IT Service Management sescara sistematis dan terstruktur.
- Memahami IT Servicedalam konteks pelayanan terhadap user dan customer.
- Membuat Assessment terhadap IT Service Management
- Mempersiapkan diri secara optimal dalam mengikuti ujian Foundation Certificate in IT Service Management yang diadakan oleh Exin melalui Sylvan Prommetric.
Speaker :
Tim Trainer
Outline :
- Introduction to IT Service Management
- IT Management Framework
- IT Process
- IT Service Delivery
- IT Support
- Exam Review
Web Application Hacking & Countermeasures
Date :
Monday, 26-10-2009 - Wednesday, 28-10-2009
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Venue :
Graha Indramas Lt. 2
Jl. AIP. II. K.S. Tubun Raya No. 77
Jakarta 11410
Fee :
Rp. 4.500.000
Seminar/Conference Description :
Melakukan identifikasi ancaman yang dapat mengganggu Aplikasi Web perusahaan Anda. Dengan mengetahui ancaman-ancaman yang ada Anda dapat melakukan prioritas pencegahan secara efektif .Teknik keamanan dan metolodogi dalam melakukan pemeriksaan Aplikasi Web akan diajarkan dalam training ini.
Tujuan & Manfaat Pelatihan:
- After attending this course you are expected to be able to identify those threats that can harm your Web Application. By understanding these threats, you can identify and prioritize effective countermeasures.
- To understand the security techniques on technical and methodologies aspects will be covered in this training.
5 peserta pertama akan memperoleh Voucher Training sebesar @ Rp. 500.000,-
Speaker :
- Paris Muhiddin (CCNA)
Seorang trainer yang berpengalaman di bidang IT. Lebih dari 2 tahun berpengalamam menjadi IT Trainer di bidang IT Security dan Networking seperti: Networking (Routing Switching), Ethical Hacking, Web Application Security, Packet Analysis dan Wireless Security. Selain menekuni ilmu dibidang IT Security sering ditunjuk sebagai MC di Bandung & Jakarta. Beliau menimpa pengalaman sebagai trainer di PT. Informit Ganesha Pratama & PT. Activindo System Informatika. Untuk aktivitas Vulnerability Assessment / Penetration Test,beliaumempunyaiberpengalamanmemegang perusahaan seperti Manufacturing dan Telekomunikasi. Sebagai trainer, beliau berpengalaman dalam memberikan Information Security Training di beberapa perusahaan seperti Bank Indonesia, Bank BTN, PT. Indosat Tbk, PT. Bank UOB Buana, Bank Mega, Kalbe Farma, PT. Astra International Tbk, Inspektorat Jendral Depkeu, Bank Central Asia Tbk, PT.Bank Niaga, Tbk, PT.Telkom, PT.Bank Danamon Indonesia & PT. Aplikanusa Lintasarta - Yosia Suherman (CEH, CPTS, CIW Security Analyst, C
Seorang trainer yang berpengalaman di bidang IT Security.Lebih dari 5 tahun berkecimpung di bidang Information Security dengan aktivitas Vulnerability Assessment, Penetration Tester, Mengajar IT security dengan topik : Hacking Insight Through Penetration Testing, Web Hacking & Countermeasures, Log Management & Analysis, Packet Analysis & Troubleshoot, Wireless Hacking & Defense, Holistic Information Security.Hal-hal lain yang digemari selain bidang IT Security: Graphic Design, Mind Mapping, Accelerated Learning dan Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP). Untuk aktivitas Vulnerability Assessment / Penetration Test, beliau berpengalaman memegang beberapa perusahaan besar seperti perbankan dan Telekomunikasi.
Outline :
Hari 1
- Introduction to Threats
- Current Trends
- The 5 Myths of Web Application Security
- Anybody can be victim
- Technical vs Logical Vulnerabilities
- Assessing Your Web Application
- Web Application Security Testing Apporach
- BlackBox vs Whitebox
- Automated Scanning tools
- Pareto Analysis
- Assessment Methods
- Information Gathering
- Business logic testing
- Authentication Testing
- Session Management Testing
- Data Validation Testing
- Denial of Service Testing
- Others Methods
Hari 2
- Assessment Methods
- Top 10 OWASP Vulnerabilities
- Cross Site Scripting (XSS)
- Injection Flaws
- Insecure Remote Files Include
- Insecure Direct Object Reference
- Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
- Information Leakage and Improper Error Handling
- Broken Authentication and Session Management
- Insecure Cryptographic Storage
- Insecure Communications
- Failure to Restrict URL Access
- 15 Common Mistakes in Web Security
Hari 3
- Web Application Firewall
- Web Application Forensic
- HTTP Status Code
- Forensic Procedure
- Secure Connection
- SSL Evolution
- How SSL Works
- Designing Guidelines for Secure Web Application
- Web Risk
- Securing Web Server
- Web Application Design Issues
- Web Application Review
- Web Services
- Four Technologies of Web Services
- Web Services Deployment
- Web Services Risk
Untuk pendaftaran atau informasi lebih lengkap, silahkanhubungi
Sdr. Randy, Sdri. Tety, Sdri. Yanthi atau Sdr. Agus di
T. (021) 719 1612 (Hunting)/ 719 9555 (Hunting)
F. (021) 719 9552
Reference : Here
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